Sutherland Steam Mill
Located in Denmark, near Tatamagouche, the mill preserves a time when our forebears were far more self reliant than we are nowadays. In this mill, trees went in one end, and out the other came almost everything you needed to build and beautify your home. Including bathtubs.
In the 1890's steam power was the way of the future, and innovators like Alexander Sutherland realized its importance. No longer tied to running water to power a mill, a producer could locate near a transportation source. This is exactly what Alexander Sutherland did when built his mill next to the new Pictou-to-Oxford Short line railroad.
Today throughout the mill you can see numerous examples of Alexander and his son Wilfred’s adaptability and creativity. From designs and patterns to homemade, working machines, over 60 years of ingenuity and productivity is here for you to discover.
If you love things mechanical and innovative, this is the place for you.
Interactive 360° tour
Experience and explore the mill from home with our new 360° tour.
June 1 to October 5
Wednesday to Sunday
10 am to 4 pm
Adults (18+) $ 3.90
Child/Youth (6 - 17) $ 2.80
Senior (65+) $ 2.80
Family (max. 2 adults) $ 8.65
Children under 6 free
Mailing Address:
660 Matheson Brook Rd
Tatamagouche, NS
B0K 1V0
Give the Gift of Heritage
Come for an hour or stay for the day. The choice is yours with a Nova Scotia Museum Annual Pass.